
Sunday, November 27, 2016

Rénover un camping car

Mon vieux camping car avait 19 ans et 266.000 kms (J5 turbo diesel) ; il est était toujours aussi pimpant, mais pour en arriver là il faut faire quelques menus travaux de temps en temps.
Je vous liste ci-après les travaux réalisés ainsi que les produits employés.

  • un camping car doit être étanche
    Au bout d'un certain nombre d'années (entre 9 et 12 ans), les joints d'étanchéité sèchent, il faut les refaire.
    Je préconise tous les 9 ans de refaire les joints de toutes les fenêtres et de tous les lanterneaux, c'est ce que j'appelle le principe de précaution (et en plus c'est facile même si cela prend du temps).
    Vérifier aussi les joints de raccordement entre les panneaux de la cellule, surtout ceux du toit.
    J'ai changé les 2 lanterneaux du toit ainsi que la fenêtre de la cuisine (c'est très facile si vous avez des dimensions standards) ; pour l'étanchéité j'ai utilisé du Sikaflex 291, mais on peut très bien utiliser du mastic silicone blanc de qualité (Sika...) ; voir changer un lanterneau.
    Pour les joints de raccordement de panneaux, utiliser du mastic en rouleau (comme du scotch) ; on gagne beaucoup de temps à la pose.
  • Régulièrement, je vérifie les joints de la salle d'eau que j'ai déjà refait avec du mastic sanitaire blanc.
  • au bout de 15 ans les joints de portière sont un peu détériorés, on peut les changer (achat dans un magasin auto au mètre, puis collage à la colle contact).

  • Un camping car doit être protégé de la rouille
    J'ai changé toute la visserie extérieure par de la visserie en inox marine ; pour le remontage j'ai utilisé du frein filet Loctite (étanchéité + anti dévissage suite aux vibrations).
    Je reprends chaque année tous les petits points de rouille notamment sur le capot moteur.
    Tous les 2 ans je fais un traitement sous le véhicule soit au pistolet, soit au pinceau ; il faut dire que mon camping car couche dehors, et en plus : au bord de la mer !
    A venir mon article sur : comment lutter contre la corrosion

  • un camping car doit être présentable
    J'ai repeint le toit avec de la peinture blanche spéciale pour rebords de fenêtres (ce type de peinture accroche même sur le carrelage ; j'ai utilisé de la peinture Luxens de chez Leroy Merlin). Avec le temps le toit était devenu grisâtre avec des micro algues par endroits.
    J'ai refait les bas de caisse de la cabine avec les plaques d'acier inox que j'ai rivetées - rivets inox (avec le temps, la rouille fait son travail inexorable).
    J'ai repeint tous les bas de caisse avec de la peinture épaisse noire qui sert à étanchéifier les toits de maison ou les terrasses (Rubson) ; cette peinture qui accroche bien résiste au karcher.

  • L'intérieur doit être agréable
    Nos tissus de siège en alcantara sont comme neufs au bout de 19 ans ! mais en une journée la société Bancarel vous change toutes vos housses pour un prix raisonnable (il faut quand même se rendre dans l'Aveyron).
    J'ai repeint le plafond intérieur et la salle d'eau avec de la peinture blanche spéciale pour rebords de fenêtres (la même que celle utilisée pour le toit) ; mon revêtement au départ était un plastique épais genre Buflon ; la peinture accroche très bien dessus.
    J'ai refait le sol avec des dalles de plastique adhésives de qualité.
    J'ai changé mon matelas en mousse (à faire tous les 10 ans) ; je commande par internet à une petite société de Niort qui m'envoie le matelas à domicile pour environ 300 € (mousse polyuréthane densité 35 kg/m3 avec housse coton/polyester). Leur site est ici

  • L'intérieur doit être réparé
    Avec le temps, quelques pièces nous lâchent ; pour moi c'était :
    - le robinet mitigeur de cuisine que j'ai remplacé par un robinet standard de maison (et ça marche très bien ! à condition d'avoir une pompe à eau non immergée)
    - les équerres en plastiques qui tiennent les meubles aux parois ; elles se fendent et se cassent progressivement au bout de 10 ans (c'est dû aux vibrations et aux secousses) ; donc j'en ai toujours trois en stock avec les vis qui vont bien)
    - des loquets de tiroirs qui se cassent au bout de 15 ans ; il suffit de les remplacer, là aussi j'en ai 3 en stock

Pour information, mes meubles étaient comme neufs ; ils étaient en bois massif (chêne) ; les portes étaient composites (armature chêne et panneaux intérieurs en contre plaqué, doublé de Formica de chaque côté).

Je vous conseille aussi un site web spécialisé dans la remise à neuf des voitures de collection ; Restom.

Voilà, vous avez constaté que faire durer son camping car c'est facile, et n'oubliez pas : plus vous conservez longtemps votre camping car, plus votre amortissement annuel est faible...à condition d'opter pour un bon véhicule dès le départ (les bas de gamme ont une durabilité bas de gamme !).

Voir aussi mes articles :
  • Les véhicules porteurs ou bases mécaniques
  • La longévité des organes mécaniques
  • Le mode de construction des campings car

Archive Build solar heat exchanger

Build solar heat exchanger

Take a look Photo Build solar heat exchanger

My DIY Solar Hot Water Heating System in Southeastern Pennsylvania

My DIY Solar Hot Water Heating System in Southeastern Pennsylvania

Solar Thermal Heat Exchanger - Bobbin House Self Build Norfolk

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Build solar heat exchanger

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Solar water heating projects and plans - build-it-solar, Descriptions and plans for several types of solar water heating systems, including batch systems, drainback systems, and closed loop systems..
Build a simple solar water heater |, Hi, this is great i have been looking at using solar power to heat water for a child’s paddling pool. basically, heat water one day and use the following..

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Copper in heat exchangers - wikipedia, Heat exchangers are devices that transfer heat in order to achieve desired heating or cooling. an important design aspect of heat exchanger technology is the.
Heat exchanger - brazed, welded, shell & tube, graphite, Valutech inc. is a leading supplier of various heat exchanger products such as brazed plate, welded plate, shell & tube, graphite, swimming pool heat exchangers etc..

Diy vertical axis wind turbines home

Vertical axis wind turbine diy guide - the green optimistic, A vertical axis wind turbine (vawt) works by the same principle those huge wind turbines do, but they are much more easy and less expensive to build..
Wind power: are vertical axis wind turbines better, Vertical axis wind turbines aren’t quite ready for the masses. istockphoto.
Diy vertical axis wind turbine |, Here at ecorenovator, we definitely think that diy is where it’s at. so it goes without saying that we jumped when we say this very cool diy vertical axis wind.

Building a vertical axis wind turbine ( vawt ), Intro: building a vertical axis wind turbine ( vawt ) when building this turbine we will be using some powertools.if you are not used to working with powertools ask.
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Small wind turbine - wikipedia, A small wind turbine is a wind turbine used for microgeneration, as opposed to large commercial wind turbines, such as those found in wind farms, with greater.

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How to build a solar panel part 3

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Diy solar panel kits to build your own solar panels, :: yale university (solar panel system):: united states army (solar sign lighting):: hoffman air force base (solar cells):: university at buffalo (solar boat team).
How to build a solar panel (with pictures) - wikihow, How to build a solar panel. do you want to get clean, renewable energy for free? cut down on your monthly power bill? try making your own solar panels! these cost a.

How i built an electricity producing solar panel -, So what is a solar panel anyway? it is basically a box that holds an array of solar cells. solar cells are the things that do the actual work of turning sunlight into.
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How to build a solar panel part 3

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Free Solar Heat "How to build a solar panel DIY" bloom box Part 1
How To Build A Solar Panel | Apps Directories
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DIY: How To Build a Homemade Solar Panel From Pop-Cans ~ Build Green
DIY: How To Build a Homemade Solar Panel From Pop-Cans ~ Build Green
Build Diy Solar Panel Generator – Home Solar Electricity Solution
Build Diy Solar Panel Generator – Home Solar Electricity Solution
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This Diy solar panel tracking system

Title: Diy solar panel tracking system

Diy solar panel help - tutorials, calculators and design, Diy solar panel help, calculators, free tutorials, design tools about solar power systems, all using the free solar energy from the sun to produce electricity for.
Home-made solar tracking system with no electronics for, See how to make your own home-made solar tracker. it's easy and effective. no special electronics or programming needed. great for use with a solar panel.
How i built an electricity producing solar panel, So what is a solar panel anyway? it is basically a box that holds an array of solar cells. solar cells are the things that do the actual work of turning sunlight into.

Solar panel - wikipedia, Solar panel refers to a panel designed to absorb the sun's rays as a source of energy for generating electricity or heating. a photovoltaic (pv) module is a packaged.
Solar water heating projects and plans - build-it-solar, Solar water heating systems have a good economic payoff, and are manageable systems to install or build as a diy project. some of the solar water heating designs.
Portable sun tracking solar panel with a windup clock drive, Intro: portable sun tracking solar panel with a windup clock drive. i've just designed and built a homemade solar tracker than can be easily set to.

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Wind Turbine > Small Wind Turbine > Homemade wind turbine X5000

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images taken from various sources for illustration only Diy windmill for home

Diy 1000 watt wind turbine - diy how to make instructions, Intro: diy 1000 watt wind turbine. we built a 1000 watt wind turbine to help charge the battery bank that powers our offgrid home. it's a permanent magnet alternator.
Home | diy swank, Diy swank is diy blog that shares diy craft ideas and easy home decor projects..
Quick pvc wind turbine / windmill blades - yourgreendream, Quick pvc wind turbine / windmill blades pvc blades are an excellent, quick, light, cheap and very easy. so how do you make them? choose the right size..

Easiest homemade windmill plans for wind power - youtube, Parts list below. this is the easiest homemade windmill you will find! correction! in the video i said 3000w generator.
William kamkwamba: how i built a windmill | ted talk |, To power his family's home, young william kamkwamba built an electricity-producing windmill from spare parts and scrap — starting him on a journey detailed in the.
Making windmill at home as your school science project, The video shows a working model of a windmill which actually works!!! the model is made mostly from waste material wooden pieces from junk, a hammer.

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Saturday, November 26, 2016

Useful How do i build a wooden windmill

Info How do i build a wooden windmill

Windmill building instructions - hirstarts, Windmill building instructions; this page includes: how to use mold #76 building the windmill. this model is built using mold #76. this mold must be cast 20 times in.
4 easy ways to build a wind turbine (with pictures), How to build a wind turbine. a wind turbine is a simple mechanical device similar to the windmill. the blades of your turbine will catch air currents, using that.
Windmill aeration & windmill pumps - the pond report, First, before we get to the pond report windmill ratings of the different options available on the market, let me try and describe the.

Air-cooled v-12: franklin’s luxurious windmill | the old motor, This is definitely one of the finest articles run yet here on the old motor. thank you david g and thank you michael lamm! while about an era newer than my primary.
Water pumping windmill plans – diy plans cad drawings saw, Water pumping windmill plans. now you can be a modern day don quixote and build your own "alternative energy" windmill using these plans. this western windmill is.
Homepage - walachia wooden toys made in europe, The set contains beech parts of 15 mm in diameter, of various lengths with locks at the ends. it is possible to build from it more variants of different buildings.

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Diy Wooden Windmill | Easy-To-Follow How To build a DIY Woodworking
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Homemade wind turbine car alternator

Homemade vertical axis wind turbine - youtube, Catching the power of the wind its free a new wind turbine design build your own wind vertical generator free energy from wind diy - duration: 8:50..
Inside a car alternator green energy generator brush, Brush reinsertion trick. many people wonder why free car alternators off the shelf are not used for wind turbine electrical generation. the windings are.
4 easy ways to build a wind turbine (with pictures), How to build a wind turbine. a wind turbine is a simple mechanical device similar to the windmill. the blades of your turbine will catch air currents, using that.

Wind turbine concepts defined and explained | otherpower, On this page we attempt to give a brief introduction to the basic concepts of designing and building wind turbines. | site | tower | anemometers | generators.
Vertical axis wind turbine diy guide - the green optimistic, A vertical axis wind turbine (vawt) works by the same principle those huge wind turbines do, but they are much more easy and less expensive to build..
Pvc wind turbine blades |, Pvc wind turbine blades are becoming more and more common for homemade domestic wind turbines. the raw material, pvc pipe, is easy to find, relatively cheap, easy to.

Nice Solar power plant construction company

For Free Solar power plant construction company

World’s largest floating solar plant. - kyocera, Kyocera tcl solar begins construction on 13.7mw floating solar power plant. company’s fourth floating solar project, world’s largest, will be built on japan’s.
Ivanpah solar power facility - wikipedia, The ivanpah solar electric generating system is a concentrated solar thermal plant in the mojave desert. located at the base of clark mountain in california, just.
Concentrated solar power - wikipedia, Concentrated solar power (also called concentrating solar power, concentrated solar thermal, and csp) systems generate solar power by using mirrors or lenses to.

Masdar to build jordan’s largest solar power plant, Jordan’s largest solar power plant will be linked to al muwaqqar substation located approximately 10km outside amman. once connected to the national grid, it will.
Palestine licenses its first solar power plant in west, The palestine energy ministry has granted licensing and permits for its first large-scale solar power plant near the city of hebron, according to the two.
Construction begins on huge solar tower plant for port, Danish renewables developer aalborg has begun construction of a custom built concentrated solar power tower system to supply, heat power and desalinated water for.

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Masdar to develop solar plant in Mauritania | ConstructionWeekOnline

Masdar to develop solar plant in Mauritania | ConstructionWeekOnline

Ashalim Thermal Solar Power Station Archives - EV News ReportEV News

Ashalim Thermal Solar Power Station Archives - EV News ReportEV News

 - Torresol Energy Commissions 19.9MW Gemasolar Power Plant in Spain

- Torresol Energy Commissions 19.9MW Gemasolar Power Plant in Spain

PS10 and PS20, Spain's solar power towers near Seville.

PS10 and PS20, Spain's solar power towers near Seville.

Where is the World’s Largest Solar Farm? - Waste To Energy

Where is the World’s Largest Solar Farm? - Waste To Energy

CDM: UNFCCC/CDM International Photo, Video and Podcast Contest 2012

CDM: UNFCCC/CDM International Photo, Video and Podcast Contest 2012

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world's largest biomass CHP plant in the UK - Energy Business Europe